Thursday, November 16, 2006


Sometimes people do things that are totally beyond reason and understanding.
From our postion in the cosmic soup, we can't understand their motives.

Should a character in a story have clear motives?
Should one's audience be privvy to a characters movtives?
Methinks only if it serves the story.

Drama can be created in so many ways.

When someone does something so redonkulous as to warrant a moment of brain bending the audience should become intrigued in the misguided motive.
And when the outcome of that tragic mistake or carless action begins to ruffle and brush against my personal space I am sometimes compelled to scutinize the motives behind the foolish action.
And sometimes you come up against this thing that people call good intentions.
Sometimes that adjective is accurate and warranted.
Other times, it is a pathetic crutch, carved by the hands of the fool.
And in the end, intentions matter very little.

You can let these things pass unless they infringe on your god given right to enjoy your powers of reason in the time that you have been given.

God, please help us deal with all the bullshit.
your humble servant

1 comment:

Wanting said...

this should be interesting...